Theology Courses

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Theological Course List

Course Description

Old Testament Survey will enable you to see the panoramic view of God’s redemptive work. Written in Jensen’s unusual precise, clear and understandable style, and with the aid of helpful charts and maps, this useful survey will motivate you to discover new truths and view the Old Testament as a unified whole.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • Introduction to the Old Testament survey method of study
  • Origins of the human race and the early centuries of Israel’s life
  • History of Israel in ad out of the land of Canaan

Consequently, those who read the Old Testament individually or study it in Bible classes will find intellectual and devotional enrichment in this survey. The student will appreciate the fact that Christ was concealed in the Old Testament, yet be revealed in the New Testament.

Course Description:

This volume brings together some of the most important theological and biblical scholars of Pentecostalism. Each chapter examines significant questions in relation to current contextual challenges facing the movement as they reflect upon its past and its future. No doubt, this collection represents a crucial voice among Pentecostal scholars wrestling with a variety of critical issues.

In this course study the student will identify with the following topics:

  • Baptized in the Spirit: Towards a Global Pentecostal Theology
  • Beyond Tongues: A Pentecostal Theology of Grace
  • Paul’s Experience and a Pauline Theology of the Spirit
  • Spirit and Suffering in Contemporary Pentecostalism
  • Much More…….

This course Study will enlighten the student’s understanding of what Pentecost is and how to relate the experience with others all over the world. Those raised in Pentecostal environments will certainly be challenged by Steven Studebaker’s Thesis on said subject and come away with a whole new perspective on Pentecostalism.

Course Description:

To be certain that His Church would be supplied with its proper foundation, Jesus Christ gave gifts to the Church when He ascended into heaven from earth.

This study will give the students’ knowledge about:

  • The Church’s One Foundation
  • What Apostles Have
  • How Apostles Operate
  • What Apostles Need
  • Hitching Apostles to Prophets
  • Apostles and Prophets in real life

The church today will be reinforced with power as she places these gifts in their proper order

Course Description:

In this concentrated, intelligible, and useful introductory volume, Stanley and Jason give a splendid overview of hermeneutical and interpretive thought.

In this study the student will understand the following:

  • What is Hermeneutics?
  • Hermeneutics and New foundations
  • Dialectical Theology and Exegesis
  • Theological Hermeneutics

The student will gain new insight on how to rightly interpret the Scriptures therefore bringing a greater understanding of this wonderful book, “The Bible.”

Course Description

The purpose of this survey is to give students a working understanding of the message of the New Testament books. Interpretative significance must always be attached to historical fact therefore teaching students how to know the meaning of a particular verse and relate it to the theme of the book.

The Student will learn:

  • Who wrote the book?
  • What do we know about his life?
  • To whom did he write?
  • Plus much more!

New Testament Survey seeks to lay an adequate foundation for detailed book studies and passage exegesis for students.

Course Description:

Faith as approached in this study is not necessarily religious, nor is it to be equated with belief. Rather, faith is a person’s way of leaning into and making sense of life. “Stages of Faith”, helps one to understand his/her own pilgrimage of faith, the passages of their own quest for meaning and value.

In this course student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Human Faith
  • Windows on Human Development
  • Stages of Faith
  • Formation and Transformation in Faith

More verb than noun, faith is the dynamic system of images, values, and commitments that guides one’s life!

Course Description:

During the early centuries of the history of the Church, many stated their faith in letters, creeds, and confessions. These theological affirmations were used in the worship and in the defense of the faith. So it is to this day: The Church continues to affirm its faith in the revelation of God in Christ through the ongoing work of theological writing and dialogue.

In chapters 1-9 the student will gain knowledge in:

  • Created Spirit Beings
  • Theological Foundations
  • The Origin Nature and Consequences of Sin
  • The Lord Jesus Christ
  • The Holy Trinity

More than just a collection of select Scriptures, this study takes a complete look at God’s Word, addressing various views and their strengths and weaknesses. All Believers will find this work a dependable resource for their understanding of the Christian faith.

Course Description:

During the early centuries of the history of the Church, many stated their faith in letters, creeds, and confessions. These theological affirmations were used in the worship and in the defense of the faith. So it is to this day: The Church continues to affirm its faith in the revelation of God in Christ through the ongoing work of theological writing and dialogue.

In chapters 10 – 18 the student will gain knowledge in:

  • The Saving Work of Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Divine Healing
  • The Mission of the Church

More than just a collection of select Scriptures, this study takes a complete look at God’s Word, addressing various views and their strengths and weaknesses. All Bible Believers will find this work a dependable resource for their understanding of the Christian faith!

Course Description:

In this excellent commentary on Leviticus, Gordon Wenham takes with equal seriousness both the plain original meaning of the text and its abiding theological value.

He also closely examines the work of social anthropologists and expertly utilizes the methods of literary criticism to bring out the biblical author’s special interests.

In this course study the student will identify with the following topics:

  • The structure and sources of Leviticus
  • Levitcus and the Christian
  • Laws on sacrifice
  • Institution of the Priesthood
  • Prescriptions for practical Holiness and more

The book of Leviticus will enlighten the student of the importance of priesthood especially in the since that Jesus Christ Himself said that we would reign on this earth as kings and priest in His Revelation to Apostle John. You will walk away with a brand new perspective as you identify with the Book of Leviticus.

Course Description:

This course begins with two central terms: revelation and religion. In the Pentateuch, as in the rest of the Bible, God used a human language, with its words, phrases and sentences to make known His will.

In this course study the student will learn:

  • Understanding the Nature and Goal of Old Testament Theology
  • The Composition of the Pentateuch
  • The Purpose of the Mosaic Law in the Pentateuch
  • The Theme of salvation in the Pentateuch and much more

The real value of this study is to determine what the inspired written message of the Pentateuch means to us today, and what the law in the Pentateuch has to do with that.

Course Description:

It becomes evident to one who approaches the inerrant Scriptures from a literal method of interpretation that Jesus Christ was introduced to the nation Israel as her Messiah. The rejection by the nation led to His death, by which salvation was provided for sinful men; but the genuineness of His offer was authenticated by the Resurrection. It is this theme that will be developed through this study.

In Chapters 1-5, the student will identify with such topics as:

  • The arrival of the King
  • Christ’s infancy and childhood
  • The authentication of the King
  • Controversy over the King
  • Opposition to the King

The students will gain more than an apprehension of the events of Jesus’ life. They will see how His message and His works pertain to them which will cause the students to love Him all the more as they discover the depth of His love for all humanity.

Course Description:

Dwight methodically shows how Jesus Christ came to the nation Israel to present Himself as the promised Messiah and to offer that nation the covenanted kingdom in which He would rule as Savior-Sovereign in peace and righteousness.

In chapters six through ten the student will identify with such topics as:

  • Preparation of the Disciples by the King
  • Official Presentation of the King
  • Preparation for the death of the King
  • Rejection of the King
  • The resurrection of the king

The purpose is to bring the student into a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ which produces a closer relationship and walk with Him.

Course Description:

In ancient times, numbers were seen as mysterious and symbolic, a key to reality and the mind of God himself. Today they are associated with computers and the depersonalization that threatens our society. Wenham explains the background, structure and theology of numbers, as well as its Christian use.

The student will identify with the following:

  • Date and Authorship
  • The history of the Priests and Levites
  • The theology of numbers
  • The Christian use of numbers

The student will walk away with an understanding of what the text says and what It means. The goal throughout is to explain the true meaning of the Bible, and to make its message plain.

Course Description:
With a minimum of technical terms, Biblical Exegesis introduces solid guidelines in exegetical methods and provides a valuable presentation of its theory and
practices. This study is ideal for general introductory exegesis courses,
introductions to the Old and New Testaments, and introduction to preaching.
In this text, the student will identify with the following:

• The Bible and Exegesis
• History and the Text
• Discerning the Theology of the Evangelist
• The Autonomy of the Text

The student will draw from Biblical Exegesis general theological specialties, many of them highly technical, but it also challenges one to draw on their creative
capacities in developing informed, imaginative, interesting and compelling
interpretations of the Bible.

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