Government/History Courses

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Government/History Courses List

Course Description:

Fire blazes from heaven, and a stone altar erupts in flame. So begins a spiritual awakening, the kindling of a revival fire still burning today. Beginning with Elijah and God’s tremendous one-day revival of Israel, Author Duewel tells stories of revivals spanning the globe from America to China to Africa, all brought by obedience and heartfelt prayer. He illustrates how God has used revival fire through the centuries to revive the Church and reveal the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • When Fire Really Fell
  • Cities Ablaze
  • Prayer Preparation
  • Revival Is Coming
  • Much, much more

By taking this course the student understands the heart of God identifying with what revival really means. Throughout Scripture “fire” is a symbol of God’s presence, God’s power. And God’s purity. It is not without significance that the word purify and purge come from the Greek word for fire. What a call this is for students to purify themselves by the fire of the Word of God and the fire of the Spirit igniting revivals wherever God sends them.

 Course Description:

History-bashing has become a favorite hobby of pseudo-intellectuals in our time, especially where Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of our past events.

Gary DeMar, by scholarly documentation and clear writing, sets the historical facts straight regarding America’s Christian roots.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Censoring the Past
  • Christian Colonies
  • God and the constitution
  • God in our Nation’s Capital
  • Whitewashing History

The American citizen student will be enhanced with a renewed appreciation of this great nation in which we live. Students that are not Americans will come to know important facts of how we became the great nation that other countries look up to. An outstanding study.

Course Description:

From the first Old Testament awakenings to the Jesus Movement and beyond, Firefall reviews the most important spiritual awakenings in History. The authors give us an inspiring and informative look at the revivals that have shaped our world and continue to influence our culture today.

Seeing how God has worked in the world during times past strengthens our faith that He will touch our lives in a special way in the future. Through the Renaissance and the Reformation, to the Great Awakenings of the 18th century, and on to present time, Christian revivals assure us of God’s presence and power in the World.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Understanding Revival
  • Revival in the New Testament
  • The Reformation and Revival
  • The first Great Awakening in American
  • Revival in our Time
  • Much, much more

The student will be enlightened in understanding what revival is and to inspire believers to pray with the prophet, “Oh, that thou wouldst rend the heavens open and come down!” (Isaiah 64:1).

Course Description:

Dr Gary’s study is important for the simple fact that he calls us back to our historical and Biblical mooring—moorings that are essential for future liberty. He presents a practical approach to developing a Biblical perspective of the elements of society challenging us to re-implement the values and priorities that made America great.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Self-government and Family government
  • Jesus and Civil government
  • The relationship of Church and State in the Bible
  • The Christian History of the United States

Through Dr Gary’s research the Church will once again realize that the Word of God was the very foundation of our great Nation!

Course Description:

Dr Gary’s study is important for the simple fact that he calls us back to our historical and Biblical mooring—moorings that are essential for future liberty. He presents a practical approach to developing a Biblical perspective of the elements of society challenging us to re-implement the values and priorities that made America great.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Self-government and Family government
  • Jesus and Civil government
  • The relationship of Church and State in the Bible
  • The Christian History of the United States

Through Dr Gary’s research the Church will once again realize that the Word of God was the very foundation of our great Nation!

Course Description:

Dr Gary’s study is important for the simple fact that he calls us back to our historical and Biblical mooring – moorings that are essential for future liberty. He presents a practical approach to developing a Biblical perspective of the elements of society challenging us to re-implement the values and priorities that made America great!

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • The Biblical view of Authority
  • Establishing Christian Leadership
  • The Administration of Justice
  • Human Rights and Responsibilities
  • The Future of Government

Through Dr Gary’s research the Church will once again realize that the Word of God was the very foundation of our great Nation!

Comming soon!

Coming soon!

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