Christian Business Courses

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Christian Business Courses

Course Description:

During Jesus’ brief stay here two thousand years ago, He left a legacy for us, and part of that legacy included how we should run our businesses as well as our personal lives. His lamp of experience, shining now for two thousand years, can lead the way.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Optimism and a Positive Work Climate
  • Improving Your Communication Skills
  • How to Succeed by Failing
  • Handling Money
  • How to Negotiate Properly
  • Much More

After taking this course the student will with confidence know the Bible is the one constant, secure Book that transcends every situation we find ourselves in. Somewhere in its pages is the hope and help we need. After we’ve trusted in Jesus, we must learn to look at life’s situations and ask: How would Jesus solve them? And if you operate your business by the answer, a transformation will occur!

Course Description:

A Pragmatic affirmation that God can dwell at the center of one’s life even in the secular marketplace, this study stresses the connection between Christian principles and good management. Issues such as employee motivation, workplace communication, leadership, the role of profit, and social responsibility are all addressed in concrete terms and reinforced by short vignettes, relevant biblical passages, and commentaries from the modern business world.

In this course study the student will be informed on the following:

  • The Big Picture: Business from a Christian Perspective
  • Work: God’s Intentions and Our Response
  • Leadership: To Rule or to Serve?
  • Business: An Agent for Shalom
  • Much More

This Study will enable the students to look at all of life, including business, “through the eyes of faith.” This means that we are called to see the world as God does. We look to biblical principles to guide our decisions and to form our values. When faced with tough questions, we ask, “What would Jesus do?” In difficult circumstances we examine Scripture and ask the Holy Spirit and other Christians for guidance. We want our lives to reflect wholeness and intregrity.

Course Description:

How can it be that an ancient text, seemingly far from the world of today’s business life, can have lessons that can improve the day-to-day workings of any business? Author Dave Steward has found the keys to the kingdom. Doing Business by the Good Book takes selected Scripture and applies it to business life with clarity and promise.

In this course study the student will be enlightened by the following:

  • The Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Striving for Excellence
  • Building Long-Term Relationships
  • Being A Customer-Driven Company
  • Confrontation
  • The Joy of Work
  • Much More

 Studying Doing Business by the Good Book will reveal to the students the source of Author Dave’s strength and wisdom. By matching Scriptures with sound business principles, the study will bring a freshness of thought that benefits any manager in the business world!

Course Description:

How could the teachings of a 2,000-year-old book, possibly relate to the environment of PCs, voice mail, leverage, fax machines, and USA Today? This book builds a new bridge over the gap between Sunday noon and Monday morning. Jesus Works Here is a treasury of inspirational and practical advice for applying biblical principles to the workplace, no matter where you work. In over 40 succinct, quick-reading chapters, more than 30 contributors show how to use God’s teaching to deal with decision making, time management, stress, and other daily challenges that face all of us in the office, in the field, or on the factory floor, as well as in the home and the community.

In this course study the student will identify with following:

  • Too Stressed for Success?
  • Coping with Change
  • Decision Making: It’s More Than a Coin Toss
  • Goal Setting: Critical to Success
  • Going Over the Edge: Sailing Out on Faith
  • Much More

Jesus Works Here will show the student that work is sacred. It was ordained by God from the beginning, long before the Fall of man. After the Fall, it just got tougher, frustrating, exhausting, sometimes even boring. But even so, work pursued with excellence and integrity is pleasing to God, a way of honoring Him.

Course Description:

More Than Enough Gives us the keys to building wealth while also creating a successful, united family. Drawing from author Dave Ramsey’s years of work with thousands of families and corporate employees, he presents the ten keys that will show how to create a financial plan that fits one’s income and create wealth.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Values
  • Goals
  • Patience
  • Discipline
  • Giving back to One’s Community
  • Much More

Using these essential steps and the financial worksheets provided, the student can create prosperity, live debt-free, and achieve martial bliss around the issue of finances. More Than Enough provides an inspiring wealth-building guide and a life-changing blueprint for a vital family dynamic.

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