Holy Spirit and Prayer Courses

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Holy Spirit and Prayer Courses

Course Description:

The modern prayer movement began in America around 1970 and has begun to spread worldwide since then. Quality of prayer is increasing along with the quantity of prayer in every denomination as the Body of Christ establishes her rightful place as the Bride of Christ. Dutch clearly explains the struggle of prayer that enforces the victory of Calvary.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • The necessity of prayer
  • Most High man
  • Actions that Speak and Words that perform
  • The Watchman Anointing
  • Much, much more

What God needs in the Earth today is an Army of believers intertwined as in a network to speak forth the truths of God’s Word. Intercessory prayer is the bond that ties all this together for the Kingdom of God on the earth, therefore releasing the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest Christ in our everyday situations.

Course Description:

You can be filled with the Holy Spirit that you will know you are in the presence of God. His love, power, and joy will flow through you to others, bringing salvation, healing, and miracles----just as they did through this author.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Foundational Truths of the Baptism
  • Clothed with the Spirit
  • Christ in Us
  • The Might of the Spirit
  • New Wine
  • Much, much more

The student will understand that if it’s his/her heart’s desire to see great things happen in their life, God will work mightily in them by the power of His Spirit. That they can personally experience God’s miracle-working power in their life!

Course Description:

No other book has been more instrumental in helping countless individuals understand and live the Spirit-filled life than The Holy Spirit and You. Hailed as the key text on the correct and effective use of God’s supernatural gifts, this study has changed the lives of millions of people throughout the world.

In this study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • The First Step
  • How to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Introduction to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • The Excellent Way
  • The Compass
  • Much More

The student will walk away from this course study with a new appreciation of the Holy Spirit’s love for them. Receiving God’s gifts will be more of a necessity than an option in the coming millennium. Between the increase of terrorist activities, nuclear weaponry, drug abuse and prowling sexual addicts, for examples, the safeguard of God’s spiritual gifts such as discernment, faith, and wisdom will be imperative. With that understanding the student will feel safe and secure!

Course Description:

Written by an international team of leading scholars. This is the first comprehensive exploration of the role and work of the Holy Spirit, as witnessed in both the Old and New Testaments. Any attempt at a “biblical theology” must begin with a careful exegesis if the biblical text. To this end, each contributor addresses the text through rigorous exegesis of pertinent passages, keeping in mind the genre, canonical contexts, and sweep of redemptive history.

In this course the student will identify with the following:

  • The Pentateuch
  • The Historical Books
  • The wisdom Literature
  • Isaiah
  • The Johannine Epistles
  • Revelation
  • Much More

After this course study the student will go away knowing that the Holy Spirit who works with people who are developing righteous lifestyles is also committed to actively transforming them ethically and spiritually, with eternal consequences. At the same time, He expects believers to partner him in the process, learning daily to be led and controlled by him, resulting in his character also being ours!

Course Description:

Nearly every prophecy book published today points to the Gog and Magog alliance as evidence that we are living in the last days and the world is on the eve of an inevitable destructive war and the death of billions. Ezekiel 38 and 39 are being used by today’s prophecy writers as a prophetic blueprint for our time. These same prophecy writers almost never tell their readers that there is a long history of failed predictions based on these two chapters.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Doomsday Déjà Vu
  • The Real Rescue of Israel
  • Is Russia Mentioned in the Bible
  • Low Tech Eschatology
  • The Piercing of God
  • Much More

This study will provide for the students an alternative view of what the Bible teaches in relationship to end-time theories. With Ezekiel’s revelation in chapters 38 and 29 being the cornerstone for this study, your understanding will be enlightened to wonderful Scriptural support by God’s Words to bring clarity to such topics as this one. This study will rock your prophetic world. It will change the way you understand Bible prophecy and make you a better student of God’s Word!

Course Description:

Author Foster says that the truth of the matter is, we all come to prayer with a tangled mass of motives – altruistic and selfish, merciful and hateful, loving and bitter.  He goes on to say that on this side of eternity we will never unravel the good from the bad, the pure from the impure. God is big enough to receive us with all our mixture. We do not have to be bright, or pure, or filled with faith, or anything. That is what grace means, and not only are we saved by grace, but we also live by it as well. And we pray by it!

In this course study the student will be enlightened by the following:

  • Covenant Prayer
  • Unceasing Prayer
  • Healing Prayer
  • Radical Prayer
  • Much, much more

The student will walk away with the knowledge of how prayer can move us inward into personal transformation, upward toward intimacy with God, and outward to minister to others. He leads us beyond questions to a deeper understanding and practice of prayer, bringing us closer to God, to ourselves, and to our community.

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