Freshman Courses

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Freshman Course List

Course Description

 Old Testament Survey will enable you to see the panoramic view of God’s redemptive work. Written in Jensen’s unusual precise, clear and understandable style, and with the aid of helpful charts and maps, this useful survey will motivate you to discover new truths and view the Old Testament as a unified whole.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • Introduction to the Old Testament survey method of study
  • Origins of the human race and the early centuries of Israel’s life
  • History of Israel in ad out of the land of Canaan

Consequently, those who read the Old Testament individually or study it in Bible classes will find intellectual and devotional enrichment in this survey. The student will appreciate the fact that Christ was concealed in the Old Testament yet be revealed in the New Testament.

Course Description:

The student will gain knowledge to the ultimate solution to destructive patterns of negative influences. Everyone wants to enjoy a good life – a life of peace and happiness void of chaos. However, the sense of lack drives one into never ending cycles of being up or down, from mountain top to valley living which leads to frustration.

The student will learn:

  • The Sense of Lack
  • The Power of Righteousness
  • Overcoming Shame and Confusion
  • Getting It in Your Heart and more

On each page the student will find new keys to personal empowerment. This includes transformation of self-worth and disconnect from the feelings of lack and inadequacy. The student’s life will become a constant process from good to great

Course Description:

This study is about understanding the different types of literature that makes up the Bible. For instance, the student will learn to read the Psalms as Poetry and the Epistles as letters. Knowing how to rightly divide the Word will greatly enhance one’s ability to learn and identify with the Scriptures.

In this study the student will learn:


  • The Basic Tool: A Good Translation
  • Acts: The Question of Historical Precedent
  • Wisdom: Then and Now
  • The Revelation: Images of Judgment and Hope and more


The student will learn the secret that lies in learning to ask the right questions of the text. In doing so the student begins to grow in what the words of the Bible meant therefore discovering what they mean.

Course Description:

The weakness of religion will be exposed as you tap into a spiritual reality that will rearrange your thinking and empower life in your everyday walk.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Why power is the pursuit of all mankind
  • The keys that make the Kingdom function in your life
  • Why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire
  • The original message and purpose of Jesus


Rediscovering the Kingdom will enable the student to defy almost every concept they have about religion, as they shift the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issue—the Kingdom of God!

Course Description:

Dr Gary’s study is important for the simple fact that he calls us back to our historical and Biblical mooring—moorings that are essential for future liberty. He presents a practical approach to developing a Biblical perspective of the elements of society challenging us to re-implement the values and priorities that made America great.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Self-government and Family government
  • Jesus and Civil government
  • The relationship of Church and State in the Bible
  • The Christian History of the United States

Through Dr Gary’s research the Church will once again realize that the Word of God was the very foundation of our great Nation!

Course description:

The gospel is not about a law you must keep. It is about receiving a life that will keep you. It is not about living a life out of fear; it is about living a life of faith. It is not about rules; it is about a relationship with the Father! This study will help the student to make the paradigm shift from law to grace.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Introduction to the Kingdom
  • As the Days of Heaven on Earth
  • The Timing of the Kingdom
  • Elijah Must Come First
  • Much more

The gospel of the kingdom is much more than how do I get from here on earth to heaven; it is about how I get what’s happening in heaven to operate here in earth. Dr. Lynn Hiles’ goal is to help each student to turn to the present reality of the Kingdom God. The New covenant is the constitution of the kingdom and is a government of affirmation which is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Course Description:

It becomes evident to one who approaches the inerrant Scriptures from a literal method of interpretation that Jesus Christ was introduced to the nation Israel as her Messiah. The rejection by the nation led to His death, by which salvation was provided for sinful men; but the genuineness of His offer was authenticated by the Resurrection. It is this theme that will be developed through this study.

In Chapters 1-5, the student will identify with such topics as:

  • The arrival of the King
  • Christ’s infancy and childhood
  • The authentication of the King
  • Controversy over the King
  • Opposition to the King

The students will gain more than an apprehension of the events of Jesus’ life. They will see how His message and His works pertain to them which will cause the students to love Him all the more as they discover the depth of His love for all humanity.

Course Description:

Dwight methodically shows how Jesus Christ came to the nation Israel to present Himself as the promised Messiah and to offer that nation the covenanted kingdom in which He would rule as Savior-Sovereign in peace and righteousness.

In chapters six through ten the student will identify with such topics as:

  • Preparation of the Disciples by the King
  • Official Presentation of the King
  • Preparation for the death of the King
  • Rejection of the King
  • The resurrection of the king

The purpose is to bring the student into a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ which produces a closer relationship and walk with Him.

Course Description:

To be certain that His Church would be supplied with its proper foundation, Jesus Christ gave gifts to the Church when He ascended into heaven from earth.

This study will give the students’ knowledge about:

  • The Church’s One Foundation
  • What Apostles Have
  • How Apostles Operate
  • What Apostles Need
  • Hitching Apostles to Prophets
  • Apostles and Prophets in real life

The church today will be reinforced with power as she places these gifts in their proper order which is the “Foundational” Message of the Gospel.

Course Description:

Dr. Myles Monroe believes that there are solutions for the problems and crises in our families, communities, businesses, nations, and world by one Person. If we could identify that person, then He would naturally be called the most important person on earth.

What if that Person is already here? The answer is within this course study.

In this course study the student will identify with the following.

  • The Program of Celestial Expansion
  • The Return of the Governor
  • Understanding the Governor
  • The role and Impact of the Governor

The Person that Dr. Myles Monroe writes about is the same one that Jesus Christ said He would send to us after His ascension. The student will know that he/she can overcome any situation in life with the presence of this most important Person!

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