Biblical Studies Courses

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Biblical Studies Course List

Course description:

Remember feeling a pull, sensing a magnetic guide that was leading you to the right place or person? Destiny, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that your greatest moments resulted from circumstances that you did not control or initiate. You were destined.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Instinct Plus Purpose Equals Destiny
  • Focus--- Decide What Deserves You
  • Keep the Destiny Vision
  • Distractions Destroy Destiny
  • Destiny Demands Courage
  • Much, Much, More

After this course study the student will be empowered to clear their path of distractions and disruptions. Correct places where they have veered off and get unstuck! They will be able to pursue the unseen order in their life circumstances that is called their DESTINY!

Course Description:

Dr. Bill Hamon addresses a new radical change in the church called New

Apostolic Reformation. One of the chief features of this movement is the

emerging recognition of the role of Apostles/Propher.c; in the Body of Christ.

Because this is such a key to advancing the Kingdom of God and because the notion of contemporary apostles is so new to many of us, an urgent need of our times is to be wise and recognize leadership by those whom God has

been speaking and working along these lines for some time.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • Why a Book About Apostles?
  • Biblical perspectives of the ministry of Apostle:.
  • The last-day ministry of apostles and prophets
  • The Kingdom

As you study this course, you will sense an excitement about what God is doing and through His people. Before you finish, you will not want to be simply a spectator. but you will want to launch out personally into this new stream of the Holy Spirit. You will not find a belier navigator for this

exhilarating trip than Dr. Bill Hamon

Course Description:

In Greater, Pastor Steven Furtick draws on the Biblical story of Elisha to give you the confidence to know that nothing is impossible with God, the clarity to see the next step He’s calling you to take, and the courage to do anything He tells you to do.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Lesser Loser Life
  • Burn the Plows
  • Wasted Faith
  • Where Did it Fall
  • Strike the Water

After taking this course study, the student will be enlightened to know that what matters most is not what you think you are or are not. What matters is what your Father sees in you and what He says about you. A great self-help study.

Course Description:

Cultural Instability, Family breakdown, social media ranting, and unchecked narcissism; The only way to fight against this toxic atmosphere of our world today is through character. By living out Kingdom values rather than merely virtue signaling (trying to appear like we care about all the right things), we can rise up and model what the world needs to see.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • What is Truth?
  • Merging Love with Truth
  • Hungry for Righteousness
  • Pure in Heart
  • Persecuted for Righteousness
  • Much, much more

The student will be impacted by this course study understanding His emphasis on Kingdom values, how Jesus provides purpose behind living them out. He Knows you are human. So, He gives an incentive. He reminds you that when you choose to live and be shaped to Kingdom values, you will be unleashing and accessing all the God has planned for your life.

Course Description:

Can you Trust the Bible?

Our culture answers this question with a loud "No!" Critics increasingly attempt to poke holes in the authority of Scriptures and deflate faith among believers. But ask author Erwin Lutzer if you can trust the Bible and he'll respond in one word - "Yes!"

In this course study, the student will be enlightened to the following


  • Waiting to hear God Speak
  • A Logical Reason - The Bible Claims to be God's Word
  • History Reason - History confirms the Bible's Reliability
  • A Prophetic Reason - Bible Prophecies Prove Its Truthfulness
  • A Scientific Reason - Science supports Biblical Creation
  • Much More

After completion of this study, the student will know why a Bible-based faith will make them secure and encouraged as they build their life on the teachings of the Scriptures.

 Course Description:

This study is about regaining the control of your life by identifying and overcoming all tendencies toward codependency. As you shed the layers of emotional addiction you will find a freedom you have never before known. You will become the light in a dark world.

 In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Codependency: What is it?
  • Victim’s Mentality
  • The Man-centered Gospel
  • Commitment to Love
  • The Codependent Church
  • Much, much more

After taking this course study the student will know that people change one at a time. The world changes when people change. When people change, they discover a new realm called the Kingdom of God, a place where righteousness, peace and joy reigns. This realm is in your heart. As you free yourself from looking out there, you can look ‘in there’ and discover the world you’ve always desired!

Course Description

In this study Dr. Richards expounds on the topic of miracles. He emphasizes how Jesus prepared the hearts of the people to receive miracles back in the day when He was walking the earth. He will introduce the student to “Quantum Science” creating a new paradigm shift in receiving miracles.

In this study the student will learn:

  • Grasping Miracles
  • The Unseen World
  • Quantum Power
  • The language of the Heart
  • It’s time to Act and much more

The Anatomy of a Miracle puts that which has been known for thousands of years into a language that is readily understandable to the twenty-first century mind, giving the student an opportunity to develop a faith, a deep knowing, so that he/she can move into the invisible realm and come back with a miracle.

Course Description:

Dr. Myles Monroe says, “You cannot live beyond your thoughts and convictions.”

Our Designer and Manufacturer built into us both the inclination and the capability for exercising dominion over the natural order. Our original destiny was to rule as Kings and Queens on the earth as vice-regents of our Creator, the King of Heaven.

That destiny was altered, however, when the first human pair abdicated to a usurper and pretender to the throne. Now, we long to find what they lost!

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • The Danger of Misplaced Priority
  • The Power of Righteousness
  • The benefits of Righteousness
  • The Kingdom Principle of Addition

The process of Entering the Kingdom and more

The student will discover that applying the Kingdom provides important context to living an abundant life through absolute priority for the Kingdom. Living in His Kingdom is absolute freedom.

Course Description:

This study is about understanding the different types of literature that makes up the Bible. For instance, the student will learn to read the Psalms as Poetry and the Epistles as letters. Knowing how to rightly divide the Word will greatly enhance one’s ability to learn and identify with the Scriptures.

In this study the student will learn:


  • The Basic Tool: A Good Translation
  • Acts: The Question of Historical Precedent
  • Wisdom: Then and Now
  • The Revelation: Images of Judgment and Hope and more

The student will learn the secret that lies in learning to ask the right questions of the text. In doing so the student begins to grow in what the words of the Bible meant therefore discovering what they mean

Course Description:

Since the Church is the primary manifestation of the kingdom and is the primary means by which God is extending His kingdom rule in this world, local Churches must consider what we can do together to bring about positive outcomes in society and in politics. Churches must work together to extend their influence beyond their individual walls in order to impact the broader communities that they serve.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • The Concept of Kingdom Politics
  • The Foundation of Freedom
  • The Concerns of the Kingdom Politics
  • The System of Economics
  • The Citizens of the Kingdom
  • The Conscience of Kingdom Citizens
  • Much More

After this course study the student will walk away answering the following question; Will we be one nation under God, or a divided nation apart from God? This Kingdom agenda is the visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life including the political realm. As long as we have God, we have hope. Dr. Tony Evans takes us to God’s Word to answer these questions—and more—giving us a kingdom strategy for community transformation.

Course Descriptions:

This study is designed to take you past information, past self-growth and into a life that experiences God, His promises and the resurrection life of Jesus.

 You will be exposed to information such as:

  • Why You Do What You Do
  • Believing on Jesus in Your Heart
  • Growing the Word in Your Heart
  • Life Without Limits

 The student by discovering and implementing the distinctions between the mind and the heart they will experience the secret to limitless life!

Course Description:

The weakness of religion will be exposed as you tap into a spiritual reality that will rearrange your thinking and empower life in your everyday walk.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Why power is the pursuit of all mankind
  • The keys that make the Kingdom function in your life
  • Why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire
  • The original message and purpose of Jesus

Rediscovering the Kingdom will enable the student to defy almost every concept they have about religion, as they shift the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issue—the Kingdom of God!

Course Description:

Every day you struggle to measure up. Your ugly past haunts you, and you certainly don’t feel very holy or righteous.

This study will bring a refreshing understanding that God is the very definition of love and how much He really loves you.

The Gospel of Peace brings awareness to:

  • Experiencing the peace of God
  • Freedom from the penalty
  • The heart of the Father
  • The judgment of God

You will be to enter the peace that is not based on performance, but on the righteousness of Christ in you allowing your spirit to be transformed!

Course Description:

Dr. Myles Monroe believes that there are solutions for the problems and crises in our families, communities, businesses, nations, and world by one Person. If we could identify that person, then He would naturally be called the most important person on earth.

What if that Person is already here? The answer is within this course study.

In this course study the student will identify with the following?

  • The Program of Celestial Expansion
  • The Return of the Governor
  • Understanding the Governor
  • The role and Impact of the Governor

The Person that Dr. Myles Monroe writes about is the same one that Jesus Christ said He would send to us after His ascension. The student will know that he/she can overcome any situation in life with the presence of this most important Person!

Course Description:

For vision to have its optimal effect, a person must coordinate his or her mission, vision, values, gifts, talents and experiences. The failure to connect these components leads to unnecessary barriers to influence or to personal frustration. People who unify these elements derive greater joy and fulfillment from life.

In this course student the student will identify with the following:

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Vision
  • Radical Christians
  • What Are Your Values
  • The Mind of a Visionary
  • The Life of a Visionary Church
  • Much More

As the student grasps the totality of his or her vision for their life, their ability to satisfy His desires for themselves and for His creation will be multiplied. Living the visionary life is exhilarating and challenging. It is personally and it is spiritually glorifying to God. Without a vision from God, you will flounder. In the intense and diligent pursuit of His vision you will know the bounty and joy of His blessings.

Course Description:

Are you the life you always imagined? Few of us are because life has a way of dashing dreams, destroying hope and crowding out the important with the necessity of each day. The Uncommon Life is an ancient anecdote prescribed over 2000 years ago. When applied daily, it allows us to step into the uncommon life.

In this study the student will identify with the following:

  • Defining Moments
  • Sozo, That’s What it’s all About
  • Step Into the Water
  • God’s ROI

Uncommon Life is a place of Significance, destiny, health and fulfillment. It is a place of contentment, rest, and strength even amidst the challenges of life. This is the byproduct of the Uncommon Life. Students will grow with three important characteristics: Identity, Significance, Health and Wellness.

Course Description:

Author Wright outlines the present confusion about a Christian’s future hope and shows how it is deeply intertwined with how we live today. He provides a magisterial defense for a literal resurrection of Jesus and shows how this became the cornerstone for the Christian community’s hope in the bodily resurrection of all people at the end of the age.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • All Dressed Up and No Place to Go?
  • Puzzled About Paradise?
  • What the Whole World’s Waiting for
  • When He Appears
  • Purgatory, Paradise, Hell
  • Much, much more.

After this course study the student will be enlightened to the wonderful God we serve in bringing healing and hope in the present life. Lively and accessible, this study will surprise and excite all who are interested in the meaning of life, not only after death but before it.

Course Description:

In the past few years an extraordinary change has been going on in all the Churches – all the way from the grass-roots level to the most official pronouncements: The healing ministry is being renewed. These changes represent a return to an earlier view of the anointing of the sick prevalent in the Church until the time of the Middle Ages.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Does Healing Happen?
  • The Faith to be Healed
  • The Inner Healing of our Emotional Problems
  • Deliverance and Exorcism
  • Sacraments and Healing

As the question looms, “does healing happen today?”, the student will be able to answer that question. Not only will he/she be able to answer the question, but they will also be able to understand and practice this wonderful ministry established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ touching people all over the world. This is how we change the world!

Course Description:

There is a vast difference between religion and relationship. Religion has broken Churches, fueled wars, and driven people away from the true Gospel of Jesus. Relationship, on the other hand, draws believers closer to Christ and puts real faith ahead of man-made traditions.

In this course study the student will learn the following principles:

  • Religion Teaches That Money Is the Root of All Evil
  • Religion Makes People Try to Earn Their Way to Heaven
  • Religion Turns Prayer into a “Form of Godliness” with No Power
  • Religion Allows People to Be Selfish
  • Much More

In Why I Hate Religion, Dr. Dollar gives students a wake-up call to ditch artificial religion and embrace true relationships. Letting a relationship with God and His Word fuel their lives so they can live in the freedom and abundance that comes to true believers.

Course Description:

What does the Bible mean? Answers to this question are many and varied. Most Christians agree on the fact that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to be understood by them and assimilated into their lives. This study assumes that a working knowledge of hermeneutics coupled with an illuminating unction of the Holy Spirit will enable those who interpret Scripture to come to a harmonious knowledge of the truth.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • An Introduction to Hermeneutics
  • The Qualifications of an Interpreter
  • A Brief History of Hermeneutics
  • The Foundation for Interpretation
  • The Context Principle
  • Much More

Any student of the Word will find this book to be a very helpful guide in his/her studies as well as a veritable gold mine of truth!

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