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Eschatology Course List

Course Description:

A Christian should never fear having his “system” scrutinized by the plain teaching of the Bible. Last Days Madness is unique because it argues its case rather than just states it. Most popular prophecy writers simply declare their position with little analysis or interaction with competing systems assuming that their position is the only viable interpretive model. Unlike most books on Bible prophecy, Last Days Madness is not “an ill-digested rehash of someone else’s views” but a careful and detailed analysis of Bible prophecy.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the follow:

  • When Will These Things Be?
  • The Abomination of Desolation
  • Sun, Moon, and Stars
  • Daniel’s Seventy Weeks
  • Rushing to Judgment
  • Much More

After going through this course study the student will be tested and challenged on their views of Bible prophecy and yet perhaps a renewed zeal for the living truth, and be encouraged to escape the paralysis of last days madness.

Course Description:

The Days of Vengeance is an extraordinary exposition of the book of Revelation and will undoubtedly be welcomed as a cool drenching rain upon a dry, thirsty ground. Long parched and impoverished by speculative spectacularization, the evangelical scholastic wilderness can do naught but soak in the author’s careful and literate commentary.

In this course study the student will be enlightened by the following:

  • Introduction
  • Preamble: The son of Man
  • Historical Prologue: The Letters to the Seven Churches
  • Ethical Stipulations: The Seven Seals
  • Covenant Sanctions: The Seven Trumpets

After this study of Revelation Part 1, the student will understand valuable principles concerning the Church and Her rightful position in this earth now! This study is not about escapism but continuous victory and reigning with Christ until His return. Having dominion and authority in the earth is a main topic throughout this study.

Course Description:

The Days of Vengeance is an extraordinary exposition of the book of Revelation and will undoubtedly be welcomed as a cool drenching rain upon a dry, thirsty ground. Long parched and impoverished by speculative spectacularization, the evangelical scholastic wilderness can do naught but soak in the author’s careful and literate commentary.

In this course study the student will be enlightened by the following:

  • Covenant Succession and Continuity: The Seven Chalices
  • The False Bride
  • The Millennium and the Judgment
  • The New Jerusalem
  • Come, Lord Jesus!

After this study of Revelation Part 2, the student will understand valuable principles concerning the Church and Her rightful position in this earth now! This study is not about escapism but continuous victory and reigning with Christ until His return. Having dominion and authority in the earth is a main topic throughout this study.

Course Description:

Nearly every prophecy book published today points to the Gog and Magog alliance as evidence that we are living in the last days and the world is on the eve of an inevitable destructive war and the death of billions. Ezekiel 38 and 39 are being used by today’s prophecy writers as a prophetic blueprint for our time. These same prophecy writers almost never tell their readers that there is a long history of failed predictions based on these two chapters.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Doomsday Déjà Vu
  • The Real Rescue of Israel
  • Is Russia Mentioned in the Bible
  • Low Tech Eschatology
  • The Piercing of God
  • Much More

This study will provide for the students an alternative view of what the Bible teaches in relationship to end-time theories. With Ezekiel’s revelation in chapters 38 and 29 being the cornerstone for this study, your understanding will be enlightened to wonderful Scriptural support by God’s Words to bring clarity to such topics as this one. This study will rock your prophetic world. It will change the way you understand Bible prophecy and make you a better student of God’s Word!

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