Sophomore Courses

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Sophomore Course List

Recent surveys indicate that the vast majority of Christians, those claiming to be born-again, believe that their salvation is at least in part dependent upon their behavior and actions. Andrew dives into this very important question and helps the student to identify with their personal salvation.

In this study the student will identify with the following:

  • The purpose of the Law
  • Why live Holy?
  • Renew your Mind
  • You are what you Think
  • Grace and Works Don’t Mix
  • Much More!

By understanding the Apostle Paul’s revelation of what Jesus did from the book of Romans, the student will never wonder again wonder if they are meeting the standard.

Course Descriptions:

This study is designed to take you past information, past self-growth and into a life that experiences God, His promises and the resurrection life of Jesus.

You will be exposed to information such as:

  • Why You Do What You Do
  • Believing on Jesus in Your Heart
  • Growing the Word in Your Heart
  • Life Without Limits

The student by discovering and implementing the distinctions between the mind and the heart they will experience the secret to limitless life!

Course Description:

Are you the life you always imagined? Few of us are because life has a way of dashing dreams, destroying hope and crowding out the important with the necessity of each day. The Uncommon Life is an ancient anecdote prescribed over 2000 years ago. When applied daily, it allows us to step into the uncommon life.

In this study the student will identify with the following:

  • Defining Moments
  • Sozo, That’s What it’s all About
  • Step Into the Water
  • God’s ROI

Uncommon Life is a place of Significance, destiny, health and fulfillment. It is a place of contentment, rest, and strength even amidst the challenges of life. This is the byproduct of the Uncommon Life. Students will grow with three important characteristics: Identity, Significance, Health and Wellness.

Course Description:

Christian Leadership requires an integration of theological principle with the spirituality of the pastor and his exercise of Christian care. Such is the aim of The Effective Pastor. It is based on thirty-four years’ experience of Christian service in several church and parachurch contexts, including eighteen years in parish ministry and six as Principal of a Bible college.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • Before God: Our Vision; Our Present; Our Walk
  • Among The People: Preaching the Word; A Praying People
  • With Individuals: Caring; Listening; Discipling
  • Development and Outreach: Strategizing, Evangelizing
  • Much more!

After completion of The Effective Pastor the student’s knowledge will be enhanced tremendously in the area of Christian ministry. As the world is changing so must ministry adapt to these changes. It will be exciting to come away with this course study having a new perspective.

Course Description:

In this course study Joseph Prince brings clarity to the secret of reigning over every adversity, lack and destructive habits that limits one from experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that we were destined to enjoy this side of Heaven.

The student will learn:

  • Destined to Reign
  • The Waterfall of Forgiveness
  • No More Consciousness of Sin
  • The Problem with Mixture and mor

The student will learn that it’s not about what you have to do, but what has already been done. It is not about what you must accomplish, but what has already been accomplished for you. It is not about your will power to effect change, but His power changing you. Students will start reigning over sickness, financial lack, broken relationships and destructive habits today!

Course Description:

During the early centuries of the history of the Church, many stated their faith in letters, creeds, and confessions. These theological affirmations were used in the worship and in the defense of the faith. So it is to this day: The Church continues to affirm its faith in the revelation of God in Christ through the ongoing work of theological writing and dialogue.

In chapters 1-9 the student will gain knowledge in:

  • Created Spirit Beings
  • Theological Foundations
  • The Origin Nature and Consequences of Sin
  • The Lord Jesus Christ
  • The Holy Trinity

More than just a collection of select Scriptures, this study takes a complete look at God’s Word, addressing various views and their strengths and weaknesses. All Believers will find this work a dependable resource for their understanding of the Christian faith.

Course Description:

During the early centuries of the history of the Church, many stated their faith in letters, creeds, and confessions. These theological affirmations were used in the worship and in the defense of the faith. So it is to this day: The Church continues to affirm its faith in the revelation of God in Christ through the ongoing work of theological writing and dialogue.

In chapters 10 – 18 the student will gain knowledge in:

  • The Saving Work of Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Divine Healing
  • The Mission of the Church

More than just a collection of select Scriptures, this study takes a complete look at God’s Word, addressing various views and their strengths and weaknesses. All Bible Believers will find this work a dependable resource for their understanding of the Christian faith!

Course Description

Dr. DeMar expounds on the understanding that religion and liberty are the meat and drink of the body politic. Withdraw one of them from the world of humanity, Biblical government languishes, consumes, and dies.

In this study the student will gain knowledge in relationship to:

  • Developing a Biblical World View
  • Sovereignty and Dominion
  • Biblical Economics
  • The Causes of Poverty and more.

The student will walk away from this study with a new appreciation to share the Gospel and have confidence that only with Christ Jesus can real government exist and sustain humanity.

Course Description

The roots of Christianity run deep into Hebrew soil. Though the Hebrew heritage of the Church is rich and extensive, many Christians are regrettably uninformed about it. Most of it has been treated passively and superficially, or more often, it has simply been left unexplored.

The student will gain knowledge about:

  • Root and Branches
  • Marriage and the Family through Hebrew Eyes
  • Passover and Last Supper
  • Jews, Christians, and the Land

Time has come for the Church to have a renewed biblical vision, and an appreciation for the Jewish heritage.

Course Description

The purpose of this survey is to give students a working understanding of the message of the New Testament books. Interpretative significance must always be attached to historical fact therefore teaching students how to know the meaning of a particular verse and relate it to the theme of the book.

The Student will learn:

  • Who wrote the book?
  • What do we know about his life?
  • To whom did he write?
  • Plus much more!

New Testament Survey seeks to lay an adequate foundation for detailed book studies and passage exegesis for students.

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