Kingdom Now Courses

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Kingdom Now Course List

Course Description:

God is a loving Father who desires sons. From this premise, Harold Eberly develops a Hebraic/Judeo Bible-based systematic theology. His Father-Son restores a theology with a God who loves, acts, responds, has emotions, and is time related. It will cause quite a stir and should be widely read.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • The nature of God
  • God’s Involvement with this World
  • The Nature of Creation
  • The Nature of Humanity

This study is a gift of God for this new season in the body of Christ. It will enable all of us to move toward fulfilling the mandate in Romans 12:2: “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Agree or disagree, the student will find this study stimulating.

Course Description:

God is a loving Father who desires sons. From this premise, Harold Eberly develops a Hebraic/Judeo Bible-based systematic theology. His Father/Son restores a theology with a God who loves, acts, responds, has emotions, and is time related. It will cause quite a stir and should be widely read.

In this course study, the student will identify with the following:

  • Evil, Sin, and Suffering
  • Soteriology
  • General Eschatology
  • The Trinity and Christology
  • The Christian Life

This study is a gift of God for this new season in the Body of Christ. It will enable all of us to move toward fulfilling the mandate in Romans 12:2: “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Agree or disagree, the student will find this study stimulating.

coming soon !

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