Senior Courses

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Senior Course List

Course Description:

History-bashing has become a favorite hobby of pseudo-intellectuals in our time, especially where Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of our past events.

Gary DeMar, by scholarly documentation and clear writing, sets the historical facts straight regarding America’s Christian roots.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Censoring the Past
  • Christian Colonies
  • God and the constitution
  • God in our Nation’s Capital
  • Whitewashing History

The American citizen student will be enhanced with a renewed appreciation of this great nation in which we live. Students that are not Americans will come to know important facts of how we became the great nation that other countries look up to. An outstanding study.

Course Description:

Paradise Restored is a Biblical theology of dominion. Author David correctly identifies which kingdom is on the defense in time and on earth. He also identifies which strategy is appropriate for which kingdom: offense or defense.

The student will learn:

  • Eschatology of Dominion
  • Paradise: Pattern for Prophecy
  • The Gospel of the Kingdom
  • Studies in the book of Revelation and more

The Great Commission to the Church does not end with simply witnessing to the nations. Christ’s command is that we disciple the nations – all the nations. The kingdoms of the world are to become the kingdoms of Christ. Paradise Restored shows the student the awesome responsibility of converting the entire world.

Course Description:
With a minimum of technical terms, Biblical Exegesis introduces solid guidelines in exegetical methods and provides a valuable presentation of its theory and
practices. This study is ideal for general introductory exegesis courses,
introductions to the Old and New Testaments, and introduction to preaching.
In this text, the student will identify with the following:

  • The Bible and Exegesis
  • History and the Text
  • Discerning the Theology of the Evangelist
  • The Autonomy of the Text

The student will draw from Biblical Exegesis general theological specialties, many of them highly technical, but it also challenges one to draw on their creative
capacities in developing informed, imaginative, interesting and compelling
interpretations of the Bible.

Course Description:

Dr. Bill Hamon addresses a new radical change in the church called New Apostolic Reformation. On of the chief features of this movement is the emerging recognition of the role of Apostle/Prophet in the body of Christ.

Because this is such a key to advancing the kingdom of God and because the notion of contemporary apostles is so new to many of us , an urgent need of out time is to be wise and recognize leadership by those whom God has been speaking and working along these lines for some time

In the course study , the student will identify with the following:

  • Why a book about Apostles?
  • Biblical perspective of the ministry of Apostles
  • The last-day ministry of apostles and Prophets
  • The Kingdom Establishment Movement
  • Much more!

As you study this course, you will sense an excitement about what God is doing and through his people. Before you finish , you will not want to be simply a spectator, but you will want to lunch out personally into this new stream of the Holy spirit. You will not find a better navigation for this exhilarating trip than Dr. Bill Hamon

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