Worship and Praise Courses

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Worship and Praise Course List

Course Description:

The Complete Worship Leader provides a holistic, Biblical view of worship leading as drawing people into God’s presence through the use of all the senses in worship, not just through song leading. It addresses four basic elements crucial to becoming an effective worship leader: theology, discipleship, artistry, and leadership.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Becoming a Theologian
  • Becoming a disciple
  • Becoming an Artist
  • Becoming a Leader
  • Much, much more

If worship is what God has called you to do, you will benefit from this simple yet thorough discussion on what it means to lead the body of Christ into a genuine experience of worship!

Course Description:

In this course study the student will find the text to be a combination of concept and practice, technique and spirit, and knowledge and inspiration. The student is left with sense that worship is the supreme recourse on planet earth and when exercised, becomes a supreme resource.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Making Ready the Heart
  • Tabernacles and Temples
  • Celebrating God Together
  • Forever Transformed
  • Much, much more

The Dynamics of Worship will enable the student to enjoy on-the-fire relationship with the living God which will bring about an exciting lifestyle in Christ on a daily basis.

Course Description:

The church has fallen prey to sincere folks who have placed too strong an emphasis on the practical functions of music in the church but have not learned sensitivity to the Holy Spirit by spending time at the feet of Jesus. This present work, therefore, is an attempt to blend the devotional and practical aspects of praise and worship into a cohesive whole. It will explore the many facets of praise, progress to a careful study of worship and what becoming a worshiper means, and then conclude with a practical section which will provide suggestions on how to lead people effectively into new releases in worship.

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Entering the Presence of God
  • Becoming a Worshiper
  • Moving Prophetically in Praise and Worship
  • The Worship-Leading Team
  • Planning the Worship Service

Exploring Worship will remind the student of our constant pursuit of God and His purposes should ever cause us to ask for divine guidance and wisdom to know how and where to lead the people with whom He has entrusted us. Thus, we can embark on the glorious and exciting adventure of exploring the uncharted territories of praise and worship that God intends to reveal to His church in the momentous days just ahead.

Course Description:

Leading worship in multicultural contexts can be a cross-cultural experience for everybody. Likening diverse worship to a sumptuous banquet, Author Sandra shows how worship leaders can set the table and welcome worshipers from every tribe and tongue. She provides biblical foundations for multiethnic worship, with practical tools and resources for planning services that reflect God’s invitation for all peoples to praise Him.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • Tension at the Table
  • Food Fights
  • Hosting Well
  • Designing Your Menu
  • Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
  • Much More

The student will learn that when multiethnic worship is done well, the church models reconciliation and prophetic justice, heralding God’s good news for the world. So, enter into the praise of our King, and let the nations rejoice!

Course Description:

Modern worship leaders are restless. They have inherited a model of leadership that equates leading worship with being a rock star. But leading worship is more than a performance; it’s about shaping souls and making disciples. Every worship leader is really a pastor. Each chapter unpacks a creative metaphor that describes the role of the worship pastor, addressing essential questions of theory and practice and striving to balance conversational accessibility with informed instruction.

In this course study the student will identify with the following:

  • The Worship Pastor as Church Lover
  • The Worship Pastor as Disciple Maker
  • The Worship Pastor as Artist Chaplin
  • The Worship Pastor as Emotional Shepherd
  • The Worship Pastor as Tour Guide

The Student will learn that he/she is qualified, worthy, and able because Jesus is qualified, worthy, and able. This is a freeing, inspiring, faith-producing, worship-engendering word to every failed worship pastor. It means we’re free to take a stab at this thing called worship pastoring, even in the deep awareness that we are not adequate to the task. We’re free to soar; we’re free to crash and burn. We’re free to strive; we’re free to rest. The burden is lifted, and the pressure is off.

Course Description:

This fresh, practical study of worship throws needed light on questions about worship content, music, atmosphere, structure, freedom, clarity, recent trends, and much more. All who seek to enrich their experience of worship will profit from this insightful look at the kind of worship that pleases God!

In this course study the student will be enlightened to the following:

  • Worship in the Old Testament
  • Worship in the New Testament
  • Arrangements for Worship
  • The Tone of Worship
  • We Speak to God: Our Response to God’s Word
  • Music in Worship: Some Controversies
  • Much More

In this course study the student will see how the author stresses that Scripture leaves many questions—questions that different churches in different situations can legitimately answer differently. That should not surprise us very much: following God’s commands is always the way of freedom. When we substitute human ideas (whether past traditions or contemporary notions) for God’s Word, the result is bondage to human wisdom. God’s yoke, though binding, is much easier and lighter!

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